One quick conversation to the lowest rate loans in the agricultural market.

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The Advance Payments Program (APP) is a Government of Canada program which supports the provision of cash advances to producers across Canada.

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The Commodity Loan Program (CLP) was developed in 1992 to assist farmers in financing their crop planting, cultivating, and harvesting expenses in Ontario.

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What our clients are saying...

"By taking advantage of the APP we were able to dramatically reduce our bank and trade debt and save thousands in interest and fees....and ACC staff was there with timely advice as we re-structured. Our COGS is down with targeted production made possible by APP funding. ACC staff make the application process smooth and professional. They are a pleasure to work with!"

Brent Mooney

Langley, British Columbia

"It is so much easier now that[sic] years in the pass[sic]. It is awesome that it has come this far to making farmer life's easier to get the paper work done. Thank you again for you awesome help that only took two minutes to complete."

Kellylane Holsteins

Fenwick, Ontario

"Having utilized the $100,000 Interest Free portion of the Advanced Payments Program administered by ACC for the past number of years, I am able to market my crops in a manner to maximize MY financial bottom line. The fee is negligible especially now that I can roll harvested crop into the Storage portion of the program ‘fee free’ also! New changes with multi-year applications make this a no-brainer for any serious grain and oilseed producer."

Steve Twynstra

Ailsa Craig, Ontario

"I like borrowing from ACC because it is so convenient for me. I phone my acreages to ACC, tell them my production insurance yield, fax my witnessed signature and in a couple of weeks the money is in my bank account. That simple!"

John Gillespie

Ayr, Ontario

“I really love this program…Even if you go over the interest-free it's still a good [interest] rate...I can increase my operation 30% almost per year now!"

Kolkman Grains & Oilseed Ltd.

Monkton, Ontario

"I believe that ACC’s Commodity Loan Program and Advanced Payment Program products can be valuable tools for Canadian producers to manage cash flow and optimize the profitability of their farms."

Michael Hoffort

President & Chief Executive Officer, Farm Credit Canada

Associated Organizations

Beef Farmers of Ontario
British Columbia Landscape Nursery Association
Canadian Federation of Agriculture
 Canadian Nursery Landscape Association
Flowers Canada Growers Inc.
Grain Farmers of Ontario
Grape Growers of Ontario
Ontario Apple Growers
Ontario Bean Growers
Ontario Beekeepers Association
Ontario Canola Growers Association
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers’ Marketing Board
Ontario Goat
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers
 Ontario Potato Board
Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers
Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency
Ontario Sugar Beet Growers’ Association
Ontario Fresh Grape Growers Marketing Board
Ontario Tender Fruit Growers

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